Suddenly Linc Chafee has resurfaced.  The former Warwick mayor, U-S Senator  and RI Governor has made himself available for a bunch of media appearances over the last week appearing on Russian sponsored TV, a local TV public affairs show and talk radio outlet. He took the opportunity to defend Donald Trump to a degree but spent most of his time ripping the performance of Democratic Governor Gina Raimondo. Chafee says the media needs to cut Trump some slack and let him get his feet under him and build his administration. Chafee says he had issues with the media when he ran for president when reporters focused on his advocacy of the metric system. of course reporters focused on that because it was NUTS. As for Raimondo, Chafee told the Pro Jo her tenure's been a succession of mistakes and it doesn't seem to stop. Chafee sighting getting income tax returns back on time, UHIP, and the Cooler and Warmer tourism slogan debacle. He also criticized Raimondo of not being aware of good optics. This coming from the guy who gave Catholic dominated Rhode Island the Holiday Tree and not a Christmtas Tree. Former Brown professor Darrel West, who is now a VIP at the Brookings Institute told the Journal Chafee's testing the waters for a possible campaign and he's clearly not happy with what's happening in Rhody and that Chafee might launch a campaign to explain WHY he thinks the state's on the wrong track. OK, but what's at the end of that rainbow? Another run at Governor? Stay tuned. 

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