The Sunday Pro-Jo entitled the story CULTURE CLASH. I would have called it INEVITABLE. Dueling rallies brought about 800 people out Saturday. One to hail Donald Trump, RI's version of the MAGA (Make America Great Again) targeted for each state at noon. The other called the DISRUPT THE RALLY. Both met up on the State House lawn around noon and you didn't need to be Bill Nye the Science Guy to predict the result of that concoction. A line of about 50 Providence cops separated the two factions. Along with those 50 officers there were 30 State Troopers and some Capitol police attempting to keep the peace, likely all thrilled with the overtime it cost you and me for these two sides to clash. The anti Trump people came complete with a brass band to drown out what the Pro-Trump people had to say. When the musical instruments met with the cranked up public address system  (which looked like something purchased at a RADIO SHACK going out of business sale) of the Pro Trump people it reduced the lawn party to a predictable  screaming match. Police encountered many nose to nose stand-offs as both sides tried to antagonize each other but police were able to divide and separate the two groups keeping violence at bay. When it was over, both sides claimed victory on social media platforms,the local TV stations had something to cover other than the usual weekend fodder of fires and car accidents broadcast on police radios,  the usual rally suspects got the TV coverage their insatiable  egos seem to need , and little, if anything, was accomplished except to display what a divided nation we are.

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