You would think everyone would have learned from Kathy Griffin's experience with joking about killing the President of the United States. Clearly Johnny Depp did not. He was doing an appearance in England last night when he made a joke about assassinating Donald Trump

Depp was introducing his 2004 film, “The Libertine,” at a drive-in movie theater when he offered, “I think Trump needs help and there are a lot of wonderful dark, dark places he could go.” But instead of stopping there, Johnny went on to say, “When was the last time an actor assassinated a president? I want to clarify. I am not an actor. I lie for a living. However, it has been a while and maybe it is time.” Depp, of course, referring the Lincoln's assassin  stage actor John Wilkes Booth. 

As you know, Kathy has been under fire for a picture she took featuring her holding a bloody, detached head of the president in effigy. Add to that the Shakespeare in the park presentation of Julius Caesar where an actor clearly resembling Trump is bludgeoned to death. Was Depp in a cave last week when a gunman tried to take out GOP lawmakers who were practicing for a benefit baseball game in our nation's capital? What is wrong with these people? Why put these thoughts in the heads of people with bad wiring?



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