Kids Left Without Both Parents For A Week After Mississippi ICE Raids

The largest single state workplace immigration raid didn’t go without a hitch.

According to one undocumented family, two children between 12 and 14 years old, were without their parents for eight days after the Mississippi raids. Ana, the mom of the two children, was detained in the August 7 raids as was her husband. She was released August 15, only after she told them she had children at home. That means her kids had been without their parents for over a week.

US Immigration and Customs Enforcement said everyone that day who told authorities they had children at home was given priority processing. If both parents were arrested, one parent was sent home within 24 hours, a spokesman said. ICE spokesman Brian Cox said he knew of the case, but that the mother never said she had children at home. Ana says she did.

Ana did says that she told an ICE official where she was being held that both she and her husband were still detained with two children at home. At that point they released her to her family,

Source:ABC News

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