Man Gives Wife Ultimatum - Breastfeed Or Go Back To Work

Whether or not to breastfeed your baby is a personal choice, but one man is experiencing some Internet backlash after revealing that he gave his wife an ultimatum to either continue breastfeeding or go back to work.

Here’s what happened:

  • The man revealed on Reddit that after about six months of breastfeeding their newborn his wife went back to work and began pumping.
  • She was “miserable” at work, and even though it would strain them financially she quit her job.
  • Even though money was tight, the wife soon started talking about having another baby, arguing to the husband that it wouldn’t cost them too much more money because they already had all the gear for a baby, and since she’d be breastfeeding they wouldn’t be paying for food.
  • He wanted to wait, since he was just starting a new nurse anesthetist program, but then claims is wife got “sneaky” and went off birth control and became pregnant.
  • The main issue is now that they have another baby, she decided she doesn’t want to breastfeed, which means they’ll have to spend money on formula.
  • "I told her that we couldn’t afford formula and if that’s what she wanted to do then she’d have to go back to work," he shared, although his wife thinks he should pick up an extra shift to make up the difference.
  • As for how the Internet feels, some blasted the wife for not telling him about going off birth control, although the hubby did defend her saying it wasn’t her intention to get pregnant behind his back, since it took her a year to get pregnant with their first child so she thought it would be the same.
  • As you can imagine, many posters took issue with the husband’s unreasonable ultimatum, with one noting, “I understand where you are coming from, but ultimately your wife has to make the final decision to breastfeed or not,” while another added, “Breastfeeding is also not easy. Forcing her to go to work without discussing with a counsel[or] first is a bad idea." 

Source:Café Mom

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