Prisoner Who Temporarily Died Claims He’s Served His Life Sentence

An Iowa court denied a local convict’s request to be released from prison.

66-year-old Benjamin Schreiber was found guilty of murder in 1997 and is currently serving a life sentence at the Iowa State Penitentiary in Fort Madison.

Apparently, he had to be resuscitated at least five times in an Iowa hospital in 2015 after his heart stopped following a case of septic poisoning related to kidney stones.

Hospital staff administered IV fluids to Schreiber and eventually operated on him to resolve the issue upon request by his brother.

Shreiber claims this flew against his own wishes not to be resuscitated. And now, he says his life sentence should be considered served due to those times he briefly “died” when his heart gave.

Schreiber maintains that he was sentenced to life, “not to life plus one day.”

The Iowa Court of Appeals didn’t see it that way. His case was swiftly denied.

Judge Amanda Potterfield concluded that Schreiber must be considered legally and medically alive in order to make the plea in the first place.


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